Mar 30, 2023
Stuart Sutton is a master real estate marketer, generating over $20M annually in personal production in geographic farming and niche marketing.
Today on our Marketing Mastermind call we discuss the science of how to grab sellers' attention so they reach out to you to sell their home.
== WANT...
Mar 22, 2023
Jesus said, "when the Son of Man returns, will he find FAITH on the earth?" What is so important about faith that it's the ONLY thing Jesus says he will be looking for when he returns? And... how do you actually walk in faith to such a degree that it defines who you are in Christ?
Walking in Radical Faith is a...
Mar 16, 2023
My interview with top producer Chris Mosier is one of my all-time TOP favorites!
Chris started her real estate career essentially as a single mother of two children with $80K in debt. The Lord told her to trust in Him, and he would take care of her. He said he was going to give her a listing without her saying...
Mar 9, 2023
Jesus said, "when the Son of Man returns, will he find FAITH on the earth?" What is so important about faith that it's the ONLY thing Jesus says he will be looking for when he returns? And... how do you actually walk in faith to such a degree that it defines who you are in Christ?
Walking in Radical Faith is a...